Summer Introspection//Beyond the Monkey Mind

Even the ordinary is fascinating when curiosity sparks the inferno of the pursuit from the newborn Monkey Mind, undampened by succeeding challenges more challenging than the first. It is not the answer that fascinates the enquiring mind, it lies in the question. The question leading to more questions... The more we ask, the more we realize, "Ignorance never is a bliss" Being ignorant is not an excuse, never was, is, or will be Realizing which, we search for answers but are confronted by more questions we realize caressing the surface of any issue is never going to work so we delve deeper and deeper to the excruciating detail and it is truly engrossing, the feeling that one feels when one thinks In the silence of oneself, we meditate, searching for a pattern, refuting the discrepancy in logic, and then, we forget, to eat, drink, sleep, talk, love, and when reaching the farthest limit, we forget even ourselves. Pleasure reading has always been one of the greatest delight...