
Showing posts with the label Love

Gratitude, Self-love and Happiness

"Happiness is overrated. How could it be? How could it be not?" Look in each and every face visible online on social media or on glossy pages of magazines and newspapers. Beautiful faces with the perfect body of amazon or the chiseled body of Spartan, they are still in vogue. Their charming smile haloed by the “celebritism” still mesmerizes the eyes and ignites the greed to have something similar. They represent the epitome of success. The sweet smell of happiness within the success beckons not only the unsuspecting mind but also the intellectual Consumerism has driven greed. The greed to earn more money and spend more. Cosmetics, apparel, and outer image enhanced with social media like Instagram and Snapchat. They claim they can impart to your happiness forever. There is always competition to be the new hype, author of the next viral item (video or photo) and yet it never seems to end. As long as people know how to gossip as they have been doing since the stone age, the so-c

To be or not to be...

 It is natural to be attracted to the opposite sex. That is what we call "crush" And when we go further it becomes "relationship" A feeling of connection and companionship exists. The relationship is the beginning of a serious aspect of life that either pulls someone to madness or pushes them to the top.  Going further or be back to safety it is unto the seeker.  When love comes knocking, it feels like the whole world is with you or against you. Your so-called love takes all the mental space and does away all the physical needs; hunger, thirst, sleep, and the very reason why you are alive, willing to live. That is the heart talking if the heart could so speak.  But, if we take a moment. Reflect all our feelings in the cold rationale. It is untrue, the world does not care. The one whom you have feelings for may never look at you. Until you confess. Confess with all the courage you could muster.  Imagine, you are the girl. How would you feel when someone suddenly come

Self love during the lockdown

(PC: ) Love, implies intimacy, the opening of one's soul to another, and much more. Manifestation in the physical such as hugging, kiss, attention, or just a deep affection, all of these is different facets of love. Love can be physical or platonic, self or with others,s and many more. During this greatest hour of lock-down, self-love is important, maybe more so than other forms of love.  Staying isolated for so long with oneself takes a lot of toils. There are hobbies or activities one needs to be preoccupied with to stay sane. To do so, one needs a deep understanding of self in the form of interest and self-discovery. People may be financially weak or strong, socially awkward or socialite, couch potato or fit maniac, everything boils down to the simplest element when one finds oneself for at least one moment, with oneself. Forced to think about all those things when one did not, leads to a lot of energy and do so one can take the simpl

What is...

(PC: ) What is love? Is it the longing or is it the completeness that you feel? Is it just an illusion that perhaps wraps us in its control and makes us act in ways that we would not normally do? Likewise, is not man a chaotic being? By nature, is he not the one who is longing for the completeness that he could never have…Is he not searching still even after all he has wanted is fulfilled be it wealth or love or fame? The question is always there though how many times and how long the answer is sought and found. It is always raising in the back of the mind that is never satisfied with anything, anyone or any answers that are available. And it is a bit sad that true peace is only found by the man when he leaves this earth and becomes one with the nature which is his origin and his demise. And it is quite beautiful as well that chaos he lives in where he longs for love and its discovery…its raw and fine facet