What is...

Pixilart - A Questioning Love (poorly drawn) by memento-mori
(PC: https://www.pixilart.com/art/a-questioning-love-poorly-drawn-f4e946d954e8947)

What is love? Is it the longing or is it the completeness that you feel? Is it just an illusion that perhaps wraps us in its control and makes us act in ways that we would not normally do? Likewise, is not man a chaotic being? By nature, is he not the one who is longing for the completeness that he could never have…Is he not searching still even after all he has wanted is fulfilled be it wealth or love or fame? The question is always there though how many times and how long the answer is sought and found. It is always raising in the back of the mind that is never satisfied with anything, anyone or any answers that are available. And it is a bit sad that true peace is only found by the man when he leaves this earth and becomes one with the nature which is his origin and his demise. And it is quite beautiful as well that chaos he lives in where he longs for love and its discovery…its raw and fine facets that hypnotizes the heart and mind of his. With more answers there always comes up more questions and the pursuit of happiness, love and whatnot’s continues on for him and it so defines who he is…a dreamer…a character who is in turn dreamed by someone else’s imagination…perhaps


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