
Showing posts with the label Philosophy

Knowledge Experience and Wisdom

  Plato, "Knowledge is the statement adhering three aspects: truth, justification and belief." Besides truth, justification and belief, knowledge should be measured based on the value. To understand the value, first there is the need to understand information. Everyone has a myriad quantity of information on the tip of the finger. How? Its' the internet! The internet offers us a lot of information. But its value based on the amount is questionable. In turn, how much of the information can be knowledge? Valuable in terms of person, his/her needs, time (immediate/in near future/situational), place (education/work/spiritual palace), material significance (income/investment/expense), knowledge is so understood. It is then inferred as the information i.e. valuable to a particular person/group for a particular purpose for a particular time/place. Thereby, knowledge is a untapped resource until put into use, on the basis of which human endeavors are started, continued and then

The Sound of Silence

Surprised? Yes, silence is not silent. In each waking hour and each snoozing moment, we are not alone. There continues to exist a buzz of thought bubbles marking its presence in our minds. They bump one upon the another- which neither ceases nor rests. They either rise up towards light or get pressured down towards the depth of darkness, where everything goes on to be...towards an end..or an endless loop. Thus, minds search now and then for respite from this constant buzz. People practice meditation or yoga, go for a vacation or volunteer. They search for a different sort of sound, the sound of harmony in mind and body. Sought towards reaching a balance of physique or psyche (or both), thereby finding a sense of connection, a sense of conviction i.e. of self. Found so in the sound of silence, that search comes to an eventual conclusion only time can tell.  What we see, might just be the trick of light that hoodwinks the mind. Some words tantalize even the sharpest mind. Time passes in

Queries of mind

" Do not ask. I will tell no lies.. Truth. For one it is and for another it is not.  At a level it exists and after that it does not. That is the relative truth based on which normal people like us live day after day.   Without resonance with the inner connotation it feels vague. Validation is thus so required for it to be universally accepted. Still even after universal validation, there lies the doubt, the question , the idea that something is wrong. For the mindset of a man is never constant, priorities change, underlying needs vary, simply we change, with time as we have to. Happily ever after, the sweet words at the end of a fairy tail, promises of the forever, pleasing to the ears they are but they will not hold true until so fulfilled. Reality is so absurd, so twisted, until and unless, we experience it , it is just another nightmare we try to sugarcoat with the fairy tail of promises that promise of forever         Most of us, survival is the truth and other than that we d

Legacy of Life

Each of us carry with us a legacy, the legacy of life. Built years after years, decades after decades and lifetime after lifetime, built upon the vast sublime consciousness that recognizes itself and the history of its race, the legacy of life, the legacy of humanity that was, is and will be. There may come a time when we may evolve to such a life-form totally different from who we are, like our fore bearer, the apes/chimpanzees or whatever life form our genes carried before them too. Still, the legacy of life continues despite the change in the form.    We revere the legacy, the legacy of winners; the few elites, but the truth is in our soul, there lives the legacy of many, the survivors. We overcame so many losses, so many failures, propelled by few bright moments, to live on and share the best part of us to those who are not existing but will someday in the future. If time is a flowing river, for some legacy might just be an insignificant twig, an ole boat or a broad ship or a