Legacy of Life

Each of us carry with us a legacy, the legacy of life. Built years after years, decades after decades and lifetime after lifetime, built upon the vast sublime consciousness that recognizes itself and the history of its race, the legacy of life, the legacy of humanity that was, is and will be. There may come a time when we may evolve to such a life-form totally different from who we are, like our fore bearer, the apes/chimpanzees or whatever life form our genes carried before them too. Still, the legacy of life continues despite the change in the form.
We revere the legacy, the legacy of winners; the few elites, but the truth is in our soul, there lives the legacy of many, the survivors. We overcame so many losses, so many failures, propelled by few bright moments, to live on and share the best part of us to those who are not existing but will someday in the future. If time is a flowing river, for some legacy might just be an insignificant twig, an ole boat or a broad ship or a whole mighty continent. One day, with the advent of the end, drowned down in the infinity of time it does its duty by sending at least a ripple of its hope to those who are still struggling to continue, still not giving up on themselves and others to do better, to live a life meaningful.
During the darkest hours, the legacy is a cool balm, for the memories of the bright to be revered and painful moments to be embraced into proud scars. Someone may pass away from the mortal form but when we remember them in our mind, they still live on, those treasured memories are the legacy which keeps them alive, with bonds of unselfish love, kindness without expectations, or just being there holding you or just as a existence of solace in your lowest point. We may die but if we impart kindness that we have been imparted with, love and harmony bequeathed also, then it lives on, the legacy of the brightest continues...
Yet, so it the shadows, the chaos, violence, pain, loneliness and such. Nothing is absolute good or evil, it is just the perception towards life which colors life as such. We tend to exaggerate our emotions during the time of the moment be it beauty or ugliness. It is our blessing and curse, both. For if it is not so. Life without its ups and downs is equal to nothingness, a stark reality. We should not avoid or hate the dark side of ourselves, the pain the loneliness, the woe of our own, we should embrace them like we embrace the light. Let ourselves experience, forgive our greatest stupidity, without which hate begets hate, pain begets pain, woe-woe. We will know the true happiness only when we have been through suffering and then embrace the shadow of light and light itself. The hungry knows what bliss of being full means, we will only know the magnitude of dark side of life when there is warmth of brightness and vice-versa. When there is suffering it is not the fault of someone else nor is our own, it is just a part of reality we have go through. only when we close ourselves and push others away with hurt or destroy ourselves in the guilt of our own, there is the problem, there dies the legacy of life, a true tragedy.
Life is about sharing about bringing happiness to oneself and those who are sadly not so blessed with. Sincerity to oneself and then others is must, for sincerity is the base for trust, how can you trust others if you cannot trust yourselves, the reality you live in, the legacy you were bestowed by your fore bearer. Trust earned means friendship, relationship and maybe an entire world. Trust is the cornerstone of civilization. The family, government, and every institution so imagined is built on trust. The piece of paper you so carefully carry is worthless without trust. How can you be alive without trust, if you cannot trust how can you be sure the reality you are living may be someone else dream? Trust is how we migrated from the corner of Africa and spread around the globe, found fire by accident invented wheel, brought wars and civilization to the world. The very word you are reading is the amalgamation of words outsourced from number of civilization. The vocabulary you have is the trust passed down, the trust in meaning, the legacy we have. The legacy of life in each and every idea of who we were are and will be. The legacy of life; one is fulfilled with the letting ideals be the acknowledgement of hard earned reality
If we live with comfort, then its reality is because someone died for the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness we are privileged, yet there is still the gap the chasm of wealthy or poor, black or white, the legacy of each human is entitled to the same inherent rights, despite reality being not so. A couple of centuries ago, it may not have existed those ideals, then there may have been another set of priorities, and for now it is another set of priorities, yet the essence of survival then and essence of equality in terms of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness in each and every form is the legacy we must live with. For what is the meaning of martyrdom in sweat and blood of our ancestor, if their vision for such sacrifice is left unfulfilled. What indeed!
If we live with comfort, then its reality is because someone died for the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness we are privileged, yet there is still the gap the chasm of wealthy or poor, black or white, the legacy of each human is entitled to the same inherent rights, despite reality being not so. A couple of centuries ago, it may not have existed those ideals, then there may have been another set of priorities, and for now it is another set of priorities, yet the essence of survival then and essence of equality in terms of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness in each and every form is the legacy we must live with. For what is the meaning of martyrdom in sweat and blood of our ancestor, if their vision for such sacrifice is left unfulfilled. What indeed!
Legacy of life that has changed from survival to, life, liberty then happiness must be for now rather than left out for the future. Learning that there was even basic lack of idea of such to its seed to its presence at present is not an option , but the duty we should not give up. How can not breathing an option! Silence against social injustice, corruption and inequality so evident in the everyday life, it is the death of life, the death of all the things we are meant to be. We are born so as one day we will die, but only life in its true essence is lived when it has meaning into it. We will be Homo Sapiens the wise only when we apply the wisdom, the truth we and our fore bearer had advocated with their life, blood and sweat. Never let the legacy die this generation for we have the duty to pass on the torch of legacy where wisdom takes its rightful place where it needs be, in our heart, minds and actions that speak louder than words ever will.
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