Queries of mind
"Do not ask. I will tell no lies..
Truth. For one it is and for another it is not. At a level it exists and after that it does not. That is the relative truth based on which normal people like us live day after day. Without resonance with the inner connotation it feels vague. Validation is thus so required for it to be universally accepted. Still even after universal validation, there lies the doubt, the question , the idea that something is wrong. For the mindset of a man is never constant, priorities change, underlying needs vary, simply we change, with time as we have to. Happily ever after, the sweet words at the end of a fairy tail, promises of the forever, pleasing to the ears they are but they will not hold true until so fulfilled. Reality is so absurd, so twisted, until and unless, we experience it , it is just another nightmare we try to sugarcoat with the fairy tail of promises that promise of forever

Most of us, survival is the truth and other than that we do not ask, and none tell us lies. Better, we ask, and so we get lies which we seem to care for the sake of company a feeling of being part of the greater whole but deep down inside we never think, never care. Deeply ingrained with the survival instinct of selfishness, we carve for attention, with time some still persist to get it, some tired just give up. Built upon lies, we turn hedonistic be it experience or pretty things leading to feelings that never tend to last long, never be true part of us. Unimportant becomes priority, priority buried in the avalanches of to do list, where am "I" buried, where is "me". The truth?
Should we question? Or go with the conformity, obey and be normal. Is the question I am asking is genuine or is it something someone indirectly seduced me to ask? Am I trying just to get attention, to be part of some one kind of social club? Is it a crime to do so? Well, there is no absolute, no truth is absolute nor so called lies, if everything is absolute, there will be no mystery, no conflicts, life will be boring. Every journey in life is personal, unique from another, a road of ups and down, the question is are we lead blind by nose by someone or are we crawling back and forth against whispers of denouncements. Bitterness is truth, and truth is pure but if lies grants you the veil of comfort, to protect you from the crashing reality, for the good, what is the use of truth, truth is like a medicine but too much medicine will it do good?
Perhaps, we need to ask. Who am I? Are you a name? a gender? a occupation? a race? a living organism? Perhaps, we need to seek, suffer, fail, be lied to again and again. Like a hammer on the anvil, we need to break, to be in pieces, to be whole again, to reach the end of the road with heart full of joy and mind sharpened with truth, an ideology it is so pleasing. But we are not absolute ourselves, the body we have, the mind we pride on, the love we so adore, and lies come easy, distorted on the belief of truth. Faith on god it is absolute for most, some not, and thus truth for one is not true for another. For that is personal truths, sanity for living
Money is truth for most, beauty for other, sanctity of spirituality for others, friendship and family, peace and prosperity, happiness and fulfillment, all the bright sides of living, what about the dark side, hunger, poverty, wars, crimes, they may or may not have drenched in blood and gore, but they contain the essence of truth, do they not? Is not money the conformity to the faith of value sanctified by the holy institution of order? Is not marriage a union sanctified by the circle of a group of people related directly or indirectly by common identity, prosperity is it not term for owning more and more material bringing so called well being of all. We love order, conformity, material well-being and not only that we seek that which is not material. Thus, truth comes in the picture, we cannot have all, sacrifice one for another, compromise or perish, even if we get it all, will we be content?

Why do you think there is hunger, poverty, wars, crimes and such. Because the truth is we are selfish, I and mine is always prioritized, my happiness is greater than yours. It is not pleasing to hear, unhealthy thoughts most agree, yet for most it is reality. People want to be kind and generous, they do social work, help people, still they help first those who define the worst off in their own terms. Resources is finite, that is truth. Distribution is to be based on need, yet only who has value gets priority. Value in form of identity, influence, and such human definitions, thereby creating difference in people even of same origin, well off waste resources desperately needed by those who are not, revolutions then reverse of the position, another revolution and on and on, the cycle of ups and downs, a fable on its own
Only time seem to be absolute, truth, yet it feels not so. When doing the favorite activity, it is short and boring it is long. Experiences are memorable and according to flavor so seem long and short. Truth comes as epiphanies to most and for few it is just so common, they are desensitized. Are we to ask and be blinded by lies or are we to not ask and listen to no lies. Should we be brave or be just normal, perhaps the nature or nurture is not the way, perhaps it is the need we have, need to know things, to reassure or recreate the reality of our own by our own hand or live by the definition of someone else, dead or alive. The destination is the same, journey can be perhaps different, if we decide to be so..
(PC: https://www.academia-net.org/artikel/1317619
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