
Showing posts from February, 2017

I realized it was a goodbye...

As I dreamed I could feel such joy in the bliss of rest where the vivid feeling of long-forgotten peace emerged gracefully, where no problems seemed so important as important as the life I was living, the air i was breathing and that feeling which I was truly enjoying. Indeed, it was an unexpected blessing which when I remember it now, it is, without a doubt miraculously precious. Then, with the warm cozy feeling, followed by a remembrance of long-forgotten memory, a memory of her; her smile, her voice, her face ah... radiant sweetly called my name which lifted my conscious with rejuvenation thrilled in the sudden awakening (it felt as  if someone needed my companionship, and I was for once in my life, a valuable friend). Welcoming her and those memories in my minds-eye, then I felt, truly felt what happiness fills like as when I the joy the feeling which I needn’t say in words was so shared with her, the feeling needed no such explanation  with my limited ability of commu...

The question of man and god

If man is created by the great divine, the god almighty in his image, then... obviously the same man as we can conclude should be gifted with similar attributes of the god himself. Those attributes then could be as gentle like that of Mother Teresa or pacifistic as of Mahatma Gandhi or even could be attributed to that of the all forgiving son of god, Lord Jesus himself who suffered for mankind, suffered from mankind and ultimately pleaded to his father, the god almighty himself for their deliverance (though i am not Christian it can be speculated as such). Whereas we also could suppose that those attributes could include that of the great dictator Hitler who was widely known to be the chief architect of one of the saddest and most horrible event ever to occur in the human history; The Jewish Holocaust or even if we go back simultaneously and include on of those collective atrocities; the lowest of low brutalities and human degradation as performed by then home-sick, over-patriotic...

As a man

As an adult who had seen the falling out between his parents and being passed between them years and out as a child,  never truly settling down, always moving to new places, living with new acquaintances-to-be friends remaining always to be with addition of being also the only child, is truly a lonely time of a childhood to reminiscent about and when he sees a family together happy in their childish quarrels, or sitting around in solemn silent dinners without any banter, he can't help but long for such a childhood at the very least the latter...and  wishing he could go back in time and re conciliate whatever differences then had occurred between his parents resulting in the falling out. Then he could have made some very lasting friends, a place he could truly know and be comfortable to roam with those friends unlike hours of gaming inside copped up or reading hundreds of books until his curiosity sates without a conversation where he can have his say on the matter he thinks i...