I realized it was a goodbye...
As I dreamed I could feel such joy in the bliss of rest where the vivid feeling of long-forgotten peace emerged gracefully, where no problems seemed so important as important as the life I was living, the air i was breathing and that feeling which I was truly enjoying. Indeed, it was an unexpected blessing which when I remember it now, it is, without a doubt miraculously precious. Then, with the warm cozy feeling, followed by a remembrance of long-forgotten memory, a memory of her; her smile, her voice, her face ah... radiant sweetly called my name which lifted my conscious with rejuvenation thrilled in the sudden awakening (it felt as if someone needed my companionship, and I was for once in my life, a valuable friend). Welcoming her and those memories in my minds-eye, then I felt, truly felt what happiness fills like as when I the joy the feeling which I needn’t say in words was so shared with her, the feeling needed no such explanation with my limited ability of commu...