Who are we?

In my experience, we are not what others think of us as, and most importantly in many instants, they are dead wrong to assume who we are. We are not what we look at or the moods we are in when we interact with second-third or fourth parties. We are neither the reserved or impolite fools lurking in the dark. We are just not too enthusiastic about the ordinary tidings of the people who are busy in their all too colorful busy life.

And with more soul-searching are we truly who we think ourselves to be? The memories of the past; the pleasurable and the painful, all shape us to be the person who we are now, through the actions we so naturally accomplish without fore-thought. Perhaps, the identity we are given from birth and that which we have accepted as given truth if we take a moment to reflect does it truly does justice to what we feel ourselves as to be? 

How wrong can we be to assume and not be always sure of who we are? For some, we are brother, father, sister, lover, teacher, student, or just some no-body walking down the street. But it reflects a deep question that rises from time to time from the depth of our mind, who am I?  Like truly beyond that which is we accept and identify as such. hmm

Are we not more than mere flesh and bones? The questions beg to be raised when the time of the final end is just in the corner to tear the soul asunder from the mortal coiling that which we are. The soul; the aggregate memories since birth conscious, semi-aware, and deeply buried all of them, do they just fade away? And the person who we are is that no more exists, simply gets erased. so many questions through the answers are provided by experts around the internet, still, we can't help but doubt...who are we really?


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