A momentary reflection

The end.

 All beginnings start from there. There is no BS, no excuses, no nothing's. 

With all the social anxiety enveloping the consciousness, we are never true to our self, to the ego to which we owe our entire puny existence, each breath, every moment spent to its eventual next.

Thus, the end is not an option but a necessity. It is the forgiveness for all our grandiose mistakes we have realized but nobody cared. It is the boredom in the cacophony of human noise celebrating life and congratulating their momentary achievement to themselves. 

It is logical, that applause. 

Yet is it only me or what, it feels hollow, a truly brittle sham.

Only for the good time, the celebration lasts unlike tragedy that is heavier than this body of yours and mine that contains the existence called life

And that life needs to end


only ending is where a new beginning blossoms

For it is death that gives meaning to life

For it is darkness where light shines brightest

In the polarity of being we are true among falsehood

There the beauty is so adored untainted by the greed of momentary pleasure

For all that is material is broken into dust swept away by the wind of time

And in time you will find your true self, by the end of the road, in the sublime simplicity of memory, sweet nectar enjoyed when the emotion hits your self, with the bliss of yesterday as if today, unbroken chain of being there, eternal in itself 


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