Prayer of An Atheist

"Conviction is the aura of subjective truth, a man so willingly breathes..."

Prayer is the foundation of faith. And it so exists, in the sincerity of a mortal's breath; long, deep, and contemplative. You may visualize life in its relentless pursuit of the fulfillment of never-ending drives; food that intermittently sates the hunger, sleep that quietly rests the fragile body, the applied knowledge that nails purpose in the fidgety mind, fiery sex that frees the spirit from its inherent mortal trapping for a while, more or less. 

It is breath, and the process of breathing, in its steady depth, the prayer of mortal discovers consistency...that atheist sighs and yields willingly unto his faith of faithlessness.

If you are wondering who that atheist is, obviously that ignoble person albeit hypocritical, is none other than me, the author of this ruminating writing

Yes, an "Atheist". 

and not a day goes by, that I do not pray.

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Atheists praying, definitely is an uncomfortable musing that feels, with a touch of critical after-thought or deep contemplative reflection, as...ah... absurd. Indeed, it's an absurdity, whose existence is close to a juicy anecdote to amuse and entertain the circle of elites, as an opening act by those desperate artists desperate for patronage, to elevate their humble station with financial support and greasing of bureaucratic wheels to jump-start their aesthetic pursuit.

Time could only tell whether this pursuit or the solemn prayer of an atheist is justifiable. For now; I would simply love to discuss my prayer as an atheist

 "My humble prayer... it is not to those ancient "Omni" gods or goddesses, whom men used to rever openly, whom women confined their elusive secrets hidden, or upon whom children naively loved; love without holding back, from their entire being, the boundless affection of inherent adorable instinct. Overflowing love if explored as such has doomed tyrants, their inevitable fall from grace instigated by the indomitable faith of naive humanity, the sons and daughters of action inspired by their collective spirit, that of the determined children, fragile yet worthy."

(The dominance that the logical analogy mind champions fail spectacularly on the pedestal of such indomitable faith imbued by the richness of human unity of sensibility)

 "Though divine no more exists, to be revered, jealously guarded, or simply loved, humanity still cultivates faith which with its presence, for we are, the faith-fool whose faith has evolved beyond its stifling institutional structure with the revival of reason, with the human mind vanquishing the fickle heart, the shackles of tradition, we need no divine to guide our destiny, for we are super-humans, the maker and breaker of our own chains, with the conscious of "self" at its core."

"We are free to govern our destiny" though we may not know it or believe otherwise...

"My humble prayer follows the perception of reality that is "self". It is the subjective belief whose basis is the "existence" of the phenomenon, we call life and its complementary, death. Life and death, my prayer towards them are without any measurement (physical or otherwise), for their manifold manifestation is formless with neither size nor shape, neither height nor weight. It is what it is, my belief stands on the invisible sublimity, the symphony of the chaos of fragile life, that continuously moves forward blind, and on the perpetual silence of eternal death, that certainty to exist in stillness until time unravels samsara to nothingness. 

"Life is that beautiful rainbow, whose colors paint our moments in its aesthetical mystery deciphered gradually as we live in the simplicity of the moment, and death is the eternal darkness surrounding life with fond tenderness, that actualizes the subtle beauty of that rainbow, to its most vivid form. Death is the sanctuary, a solace for memories to rest, to be in a dream of collective from where individual life miraculously springs forth naturally as a clean slate."

"Thus, I cannot but feel, cannot but think, cannot but act with the need to pray honestly when I am by myself, wherein I rejoice in this subtle temerity life advocates, to live at this very moment, by being more than I am. 

This faith I call mine submits to none, but itself, for it, is a being growing in itself.  It is apart from the cacophony of the crowded devotees who line up to enter their holy land. My faith abhors their smothering aura of supplications incessant for the fulfillment of material wishes... My belief is not theirs and theirs nor mine, I know mine may be more selfish, yet I believe not for the fulfillment of my wishes but for it being just as it is, rejoicing in life and embracing death. Both are inevitable and as such, I can only so be willing to give up my past to give in to the ever-present forsaking the deceitful future, to lose myself to find myself (only when it is lost can it be found) even in the singularity, in its pursuit and oneness, in ways, one can only so imagine and be done! Done with all these historic faiths that shackle man and future promises that will never be honored, Be done! oh! self-defeating complacent mindset never envisioning a man on his full potential. 

Be Done! you hypocrites, you sniveling knaves!!!

Rather I live in the poverty of faith than delude myself in the falseness of happiness, the shackles of tradition, belligerent righteous!

Let me be! Let me pray...

The prayer that is to me, a quest of self-reflection, a worthy existence; better than yesterday, "Carpe Diem" not for the others but for myself and my own. Precisely, that is what the atheist's voice which has awakened from its slumber clued my ego into.

Then, I stopped using this flapping tongue to chatter,

Then, I clapped shut my murmuring ears to hang on someone's word,

Then I trained my puny mind to doubt,

 And, then I closed my fickle heart to unlove those who did not need its sacred oath. 

I realized late rather than never to ascend/descend to explore the vast domain of faith for atheists; be faithless in what "was" or "will be", for the past is written by winners and hypocrites govern our future if we let them be "

All we have is present: now and today!


Our destiny is our own, to be made by our very hands and dictated by our unassailable faith in ourselves.  

That faith is the trust, we have in ourselves that for sure extends to the greater humanity. 

Trust in the interest of each individual, who does what they do, because it benefits them, to do so. 

A barber cuts hair, a chef cooks a meal, a teacher teaches and a philosopher thinks because the profession and its duties define their identity, imparting meaning to their existence. 

But this trust is not without a price

But this trust is not something free. 

it is at first given free but held later jealously

Faith is necessary to survive and prosper, and it is as natural as the willingness to breathe the same air as the fellow being, with humility and confidence untainted by the hubris of our invincibility

Yet, "when our faith finds itself being taken for granted...

..Let's impart forgiveness but never forget

when we fill ourselves with hurt inflicted by other selves or by thought beyond the self.

We need to return to our sanctuary, recover, undo the thoughts of vacillation, and grasp sanity to reforge our faith, anew.

I need you to breathe for me

From the heart-rending tragedy of childhood, a protagonist ascends to his purpose, faith in his music, and love for his muse, he becomes more, he learns the "Name of the Wind" (The Name of the Wind, A Novel by Patrick Rothfuss)

It is his faith in himself, which leads him on a journey from this mundane to the fairy world and be loved and love an entity far more powerful than himself.

For a musician, it is the music that is his faith and it is his faith which gives birth to love, and its pursuit with the power of seven words, the key to a woman's heart...

To be the world is to be balanced

"For me, as an atheist, prayer is the balance of breath, within and without, the interaction between my body and the realm outside, 

Losing IT, I may lose my faith, yet I can not help but test it, as I hold it in or halt it out

And it is on this testing of ourselves on a daily basis, on the edge of things unbecoming or complete when all seems lost or when we have it all, that we realize, it will not last forever, it will eventually pass.. the sorrow and the happiness, all...

except that which means the most, a  spark of hope, the door to infinite love, trust, and fellowship, 

Faith... "

" the Prayer of An Atheist..."

                                            (PC: Вероника Артеева)

Bless You, My Atheist friend.


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