Learning from pain

Pain Painting by Wojciech Bąbski | Artmajeur
(PC: https://www.artmajeur.com/en/wojtekbabski/artworks/8673676/pain)

Pain is a great teacher. It teaches that anything extreme is not good, for both our mind as well as our body. If I take the example of intense training after a long gap, then it is obvious that after some hours or a day after, we feel the muscle starting to feel sore as well as painful. Likewise, in exams when we try to cram our brain with information a day or two before, the brain goes into overload and we cannot remember all the facts though how much we try hard. It is so in my experience and I do think we can learn greatly about our own limitations from pain and slowly go beyond them by exposing ourselves to pain little at a time. Pain is not kind like almost everything in the life that we experience. With this I conclude with the thought "without pain there's no gain"


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