Perceiving people

If we do give a pause and think how people can be different I can give you one that I scrambleed so far. People can be perceived as of two types: One to the point rational like Seldon cooper in 'big-bang-theory' and yet he is somewhat emotional in his own way when it comes to his nerdy science. Another kind of people who are emotional and cannot hide it are like Mr. Bean who cannot stop showing to the world what he feels which is highly amusing. People are not in general either emotional or rational, the thing is one of these characteristics are seen to be dominant from person to person and situation to situation that a person faces individually or in groups. For e.g when someone near to us dies we cannot help but think the most negative conversation or remarks that we have said to each other and most of us eventually blame ourselves for his/her death. And in similar situation, a rational person is perceived by others as insensitive and uncaring like the to the detail character Sherlock Holmes in BBC series. Is it possible that being emotional makes people sympathetic towards you but is it also not true that people feel uncomfortable towards highly sensitive people also? The same may be true towards the rational people as people may want to affiliate towards highly rational people and yet not so close so that such cold logical spell may rub on you too. Interestingly people are complex beings and there are unique cases where people due to different experiences change from one to another of the two or end up balancing both and achieving something that is beyond the polarity that I raised as differentiating people that we have come to know.


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