Next war: War For Water

'So far we have seen war for colonies, for land, for nation/country and recent decades; war against terrorism, war for oil, technology and resources that is so dear for a business entity, an economy as well as a country or an entire region to continue to compete for and have the mantle of primacy. Similarly, the idea of war for water i.e. drinkable water is not irrefutable. Cities continue to  proliferate from towns and towns from villages and villages from hamlets. And the minimum of 3.7 liters of water necessary for an adult so as to stay healthy is being divided among  his family, friends and community that he lives in as the population that was stable once has been doubling and even tripling from some decades after WWII. If this situation continues to be, the individual, family and community will begin to hoard the water resources, which has already started in cities around the world and one particular one that i know so well is Kathmandu. It is a valley where water shortage is going on from a long time, surface water have already dried up in places within the inner Kathmandu and the underground water so used is also drying up . On top of that people are forced to buy water from tankers which is unreliable as due to shortage they may take 2 to 3 to even a week to supply water. Eventually even nations such as Nepal rich in water resources will be forced to protect their water resources from those who don't in macro scale and micro-scale starting from heavily populated cities. Though the possibility of commerce in water is always there, it is also likely that struggles and even war for permanent possession is not far from possibility. As Commerce has limitations for e.g if demand for water exceeds the supply the nation or economy in possession of water resource may refuse to sell because it itself is unable to fulfill demand of its own people. Thus when the scarcity is felt more and more in surrounding countries, there is possibility of annexation  be it with the use force or guile so as to get a consistent possession of water resources. Therefore a highly possible conflicts in global scale could be due to for simple yet so important  issues: drinkable water'


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