
The most wonderful miracle ever known to mankind, Life. With its up's and down's, the chaotic echelon to the calm depth of the heartland, an exciting short adventure to the boring long continues on, uncaring...selfish...cruel, and at times surprisingly kind. Little is it without complexity, for complexity is what life is, and like anything and everything that is ever known, life, as we know, are, is always difficult at every new phase/stage from the point of birth, pre-teen, teen, adult and old stage and eventually the final excruciating farewell...ah how we try to hold on... til the last breath, despite the pride in our inherent rationality which we were so proud of,,, once. 

The best thing of life is its it the colorful sights that tantalizes the eyes, or the harmonious music of different instrument played in a symphony or that rare taste of the exotic cuisine you never had before or the familiar sweet aroma of the morning tea/coffee...that is life. Or it can simply be the gaze of a stranger walking down the street that meets your eyes surprisingly intense and for a moment both of you pause and then naturally smile to each other...then move on to your separate lives, that is life. Or it is the coolness of the early morning as you jog or just walk around carefree and feel the warmth of the gentle sun as you make your way back home. Or it is the quirk of a new language you are struggling with, that results in perspiration, frustration, and at the same time, a kind of funny feeling that makes you laugh with gladness for your own stupidity and the interpretation of the meaning that is so different from your own native tongue with values imbued also. Or it is the failure where love with a sweetheart is concerned, and finding self-love, the feeling of comfort when you are alone with yourself, without the need to explain your act, your thoughts, or anything else. And that is quite a personal experience, in a sense. Including many set-backs that eat you inside ah.. and that is life too.

Life. To some. It is just skirmishes. Fight every step to survive for daily bread. From that line for drinking water to the ant-like line for kerosene, gas, or petrol or simply some resource that is limited. From uneventful daily struggles to calm in the stormy relationships with spouse, to time of pacification of first child's neediness, to reach office, to return home, to meet the ever tricky client who is still in credit, to pay bills, to find time for family, and finally to just find peace and quiet at the end of the lethargic day, even to find that and be is a life. It is full of problems and so requires to be solved as intended in a quote, "Life is about problems and living is about solving them."  So, with its subjective nature, based on perspective, it begs to be solved.


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