
 "Kindness is the sunshine in which the virtue grows. In the presence of eternity, the mountains are as transient as the clouds. What light is to the eyes – what air is to the lungs – what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man."  -  Robert Ingersoll"


The beauty of kindness is not simply about giving, it is giving willingly. It brings meaning to life with solidarity, especially to those who are lonely. With a helping hand, none have to suffer alone. As pain is deeper than happiness, lasting lifetimes, kindness makes that throbbing lonely pain bearable. 

Love, one of the absolute truths brings life and kindness makes that life see the goodness of the world, see the beauty in it. With kindness, we can not only see but also truly feel all that is beautiful. And like anything beautiful, the beauty of kindness is ephemeral and thus is memorable and thus  is worth treasuring. 
The path of kindness is free others to free oneself. Money is the easier way to quantify kindness, yet it is the physical presence, the actual work which brings life to it. Besides donating money, witnessing the money turn into reality with one's own hands makes the giver happier, the kindness for him/her more real. It is the lasting change which turns someone's life better, it is what makes the kindness worthwhile.

To give as charity is good but without respect, the charity may not be as fulfilling. The one in need must feel the help is akin to an exchange, a kind of mutual connection. As humans, everyone naturally expects at least a minimum dignity and following this unconditional help often-time kindles feeling of burden. Thus there should be a window kept open, so that when once helpless becomes able, s/he can help others in need too. And the cycle of kindness goes on generation to generation, community to community, from those who are a  bit privileged to those who are sadly not.

You may buy things and for a time you will be happy. But kindness lasts longer and feels more real. Helping others, naturally makes one happier. It is within the human gene to be social and a huge part of that is kindness. One may just say a simple, hello or thank you, a simple etiquette can make a "pissed off-day" at least bearable. It can keep the darkness on bay including dark feelings of suicide, loneliness, estrangement and so on. They will haunt poor souls no more, for kindness is bringer of hope for hopeless, companionship to the lonely souls, respite to the less fortunate...

Every faith encourages kindness. Why? Because faith implies unshakable trust to the holy sanctity; it is said to be eternally guiding faithful and even apostate, despite their unspeakable vices. The myth of a prophet dying on the cross, asking forgiveness to his father (god) for the (cruel) mankind that crucified him. The oldest myth where charity opening up the door to the heavens for the deceased soul. They may be myths but still, they contain the rarest of truth. Kindness brings peace to the inner turmoil caused by the chaotic world. It soothes the soul tainted by the sins and purifies it towards the righteousness, universal brother/sisterhood and towards light.

The practice of kindness, to others, and most importantly to self, it opens up a whole new world of happiness. By knowing how to make oneself happy, s/he can cherish and make a relationship with near and dear stronger. Acknowledging what we have, we are blessed with, letting go of what we cannot control, striving for better, such are some forms of kindness one can adopt

People consider kindness as a weakness, perhaps it is... But it is what makes us humane, for even beings of different species during the rarest moments act with kindness to those who are young and injured. By understanding and practicing kindness we can truly embrace that part of us that life holds dear. Living life with symbiotic co-existence between the weak and the strong makes life a bit brighter, more colorful for now and days to come. 

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