
Even in the most crowded streets where the cacophony is the loudest, there is a kind of silence. That silence, inborn silence forgotten but there waiting to be reborn. People search for peace dwelling in that silence, they pursue happiness, wealth, youth and all the magic lost or could not be found, anymore.. We remain so into the things we forget what we feel truly feel inside rather than be aligned to what others feel and so accordingly believe what they feel is what we feel. And that is why the feeling of silence of others you believe to be yours, and that is why it is momentary and that is why like a drug it leads you to high and then lowest of low. To understand others first that's why sages advocate understanding of self. 
Silence is mot mystical neither it is extraordinary, it is just normal, there to be realized by the mind, the spirit and soul. Ultimately we will realize this after we come to the final journey called life, desperately trying to hold it as long as possible in the swirls of the agony of separation. Silence, it stays with us, as a man mediates deeper and deeper in synchronization with the breath, or when s/he hits into an epiphany, there is a torrent of ideas but s/he is isolated finds self in that, and only when s/he he understands his silence, s/he understands others.
Silence is the calm dignity, the eye in the storm or even the peeling of everything we believe on, society, religion, gender, mortal chains that we have been blinded by and as we bind ourselves unconsciously, tighter and tighter mesmerized by the material the noose tightens successively and that leads to the end of spark of life, body lives but without soul. It is natural, silence. It comes anyway but maybe it is too late, perhaps one will never know, until one goes to the depth of what it is to be in. Solemn silent.


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