In Light Darkness or in Gray

The Ideal Light

"Like a moth drawn to the flame, we gravitate towards the light..."


Why do we do what we do? Why do we admire beauty? And in that sense what is beautiful? 

With light, we see the world, its richness witnessed by a spirit of naive wonder untainted by desires. Desires are natural to the majority of humans yet they envoke possessiveness which prevents the admirer to enjoy the moment. Thus, it is said "to desire is to suffer" 

And suffering starts and continues when: "We want what we can never have" and "even if we think we do, time disillusion us of our folly..."

Besides the basics that cater to our survival, there are things that we need, to reaffirm our reason for existence. It is the instinct of living to evolve; to pass the legacy that we have inherited and that which we have acquired during our lifetime to the next. It is the very nature of the living to associate ourselves with others like us or the symbol that defines who we are as an individual or part of a group. Everyone, almost everyone wakes up in the early morning and sleeps till late hours to achieve something though how insignificant or impactful it might be.

Regardless of reasons whatsoever, our innate nature is to be one with the light. Even though how scarred our past memories are, our heart still seeks the goodness in people. Despite our habit of identifying and pointing out others' mistakes, the light within us wishes the best of others. That is the ideal heart of pureness and faith where the divine guides the mortals towards perfection of our own making

As said, "beauty in the eyes of the beholder", beauty is subjective. For laymen, beauty may be limited to the outward features that catch the eye. The face is the first distinction wherein the most remarkable of senses exist and then it moves to the physical form. But for the one who has gone beyond those physical, beyond the moral judgment of a particular culture, it is the beauty of the universal soul that resonates with his or her own.  

Each one of us was once a child who roamed the world carefree. There was no color of skin, no social class, no gender, no walls that kept us in and others out. It was possible because we were the children of light whose warmth we shared together. We laughed when we felt the joy of living and cried when we felt pain. To do so is to embrace the light within us. 

The Eternal Darkness

"Darkness pervades, within; everything and every being. It inspires fear among mortals with symbiotic resonance to death, the ultimate nihility. Always seemingly beyond the mortal's comprehension, it assumes a mysterious existence. Yet it is within each of us, living, dying, or dead, palpitating in our awareness and lurking in our ignorance. The subtle boundaries we decipher with our mortal perceptions are just the tip of the iceberg. But, a simple glimpse suffice..." 


To know, understand and realize...

From nothing to perhaps something, then nothing, we exist to disintegrate into nothing.

Our life that beautiful chaos concentrated unto the ego of self eventually transforms into the order of inevitable finality; egoless

From dust to dust, when the wind blows that which is born shall die.

It is the truth.

Before darkness lightened into the gray world as this mortal shell came to life...

..there was nothing, no feeling, no ego actualizing as who "I" was, am, and will be. As of now, only a subtle alignment of infinite possibilities which I can articulate with my proficiency in this foreign language so far leaves an impression. of ancient feeling, stirring, accompanied by a hazy memory of before; absolute darkness, pervading...

It was the truth. 

that eternal darkness. One reality witnessed in the ocean of dreams. Articulated in whatever suitable words you are so comfortable with. It existed and I do know it exists, still, within you, me, and us. Now. But especially in that part of the mind, wherein consciousness cannot take a step forward. It overpowers the visitors with the thing, mortals call and experience the thing; fear.

Fear. It drowns our spirit with shades of ignorance. It blinds us with the sparks of awareness. We fear we are worse than someone or are falling behind our times. We compare, so we fear. (I recommend: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson)

As Tolstoy (Author of War and Peace &  said, being human we strive towards the light from darkness and thereby cleanse the soul from fear stemming from our ignorance.

For the preconditions of knowledge, awakening, and enlightenment requires the virtue of patience, active engagement, and more importantly the open mind, without judgment, without ego. The perception of mortals to explore beyond requires painful persistence, which I dare not claim I have practiced to perfection, for only death is perfection, symmetrical in essence, it is a sanctuary for memories to rest, to reach emptiness 

Know this, in the darkness there was;  No past. No present. No Future. 

In the nothingness, there was no flow. No life to invoke spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. No entwinement of duties or rights to entangle or shackle me, as I am now. The only thing close to emotion was the purpose, a calling that stirred, the embryo of consciousness; I, the ego supreme

It was painful. The separation from the wholeness, the natural completeness. For the first time, I realize this calling, this purpose; this manifestation, they call "Hunger"

First breath, the CONSTANT hunger was of life, in its chaotic existence I found my curiosity piqued 

Hunger, it started with a simple thought, and it changed everything. The soothing darkness abandoned me. I for the first time felt, alone. 

The Absurd Reality: Gray

"Life is just a spark from cradle to grave" 


Life is an overrated phenomenon. We are born one day and then in another just die. The cycle of life and death continues. Akin to insects, we exist in a loop of a collective delusion of greatness. In the morning, we leave early from our home with hope and return late during the night, in disappointment, not only with others but with ourselves. Most of us are powerless, insignificant, and unable to change "the destiny", "fate" or "karma" whatever you might call it.  

If there is a land of milk and honey, a paradise of opportunities, then logically there should also exist the vice-versa. "Bingo" That "vice-versa" is where most of us are currently living and will live till the end of our days. And we are proud to "own" that piece of land, we are proud to call ourselves to "such &  such" heritage without delving deeper into the historical origin, its background, and most importantly its gradual acclimatization by many at the expense of minority tribes. The world is divided into ULTRA rich North and DIRT poor south wherein the former is flooded by the material "Prosperity" whereas the latter is starving, barely surviving, just barely. 

Time is precious than ever, and as such in this reality most of us are desperate to sell out our time for a piece of paper, "Money". We have given the power of trust to such paper which in itself cannot satisfy our hunger, cold, or any needs but magically is conveniently able to conjure those things that can. Regardless of wealthy north or poor south or any part of the world, both light and darkness, is never absolute

It is the gray world wherein we live. We are conditioned by the culture; the way of life, and only some of humanity decide how they truly live. We have faith in the "law" and "order" of the government which squanders the "imposed" tax without accountability. We purchase happiness that only satisfies our momentary physical needs and maintain a social facade. We desire to suffer and suffer to desire. 

We are neither saint nor demon but still hold our helping hands to strangers and ignore the plight of our family or vice-versa. We "pretend" to be someone and wallow our days in what could be rather than what is. Countless human narratives exist wherein the worst and best of humanity have done so little and so much and most in the ordinary, uncaring passing of the moments...

Bombarded by information, we are lost in the ocean of "facts" What is true and what is false? Is being most popular, being true? Does truth even exist? Is it significant to our mundane life? Does truth prevail in blinding ideal light? Or in the eternal darkness, or in between the gray?

"Truth is nothing more than repeated lies"


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