Carpe Diem: Seize The Moment


It exists. Lurking in-between thoughts and actions, anchored under the shadow of moments time passes on, it oscillates in each breath. Breathing; in possibilities, out disappointments; what could have been and what could not.

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Like it's nothing, it intrudes. It rebels, it declares guerilla war against the might of structural mundanity, the ordinary. That ordinary which we resist not, accept yet unwillingly, with a sense of inevitable helplessness. Yet, the feeling of sheer absence even inundates the inexorable inevitability.


Desperation burns with each ticking of the clock, we cannot bottle it up inside our self. So, we search, and as we search, for our true self, which in the past was sidelined for the sake of a future which promised "milk and honey", we are made aware of this universal need: to escape the tinted familiar perspective ingrained in our prejudice, as we journey...

We are disillusioned..,

when hunger gnaws, not the physical kind that food easily sate.

where loneliness partitions, not with chasms; without someone's company  

how we lose sense, "All this... can you tell, is truly real"


It undoes what we ourselves never dared to do, to rebel, to rebel against constant boredom, the sense of senselessness, the ignorance to the cold and strangeness pervading the entire world


It prods us to seek the warmth of kindness, to pursue "purpose" that seems so far-far-fetched.

We aspire...
To embrace, the noblest of all the "purpose", Carpe Diem: Seize THE MOMENT!

The past fades in the dusty closet of memory and the future calls for the martyrdom of unfulfilled promises of "passion" and "romance". Both, past and the future leave us with suspicion & uncertainty, yet the present welcomes it: Carpe Diem: Seize the moment!

Tomorrow Never Comes! 

The tomorrow becomes another tomorrow, and as usual we procrastinate. 

Let's not procrastinate >>>

Let's unchain our "self" from the delusional shackles of Neverland.

At least try, make mistakes, and learn from it.

All we can have, we ever did or will, is, the possibility in this reality; the present, to live in it, in its adventure, its hardship, hunger, pain, and suffering; the journey of life until the agony of death that does our mortal coil apart. 

                                                        Carpe Diem: Seize The Moment!




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