Adoration of the Beautiful Mind


It is a blessing to be able to adore, and be adored as..., beautiful! 

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Behold! so it is in the unfeigned adoration of the mind, its warm companionship, and the aura of its omnipresence that effuses the perpetual inquisitiveness, to know, to realize, to understand, and be placated about anything and everything which the mind adores as least for a moment 

And moments divided into moments, their precious content, explored in detail invites natural adoration for a mind so inquisitive.

Moments when we are proud, moments when we are humble, and moments... when we are, at ease, the mind accompanies us, always, and in doing so, no matter what, the mind adores minds akin to itself, with thoughts so unique, never does it cease to be bored or exhaust itself.

Adoration, it is a contemplative recognition of mutable consciousness, and it motivates a thoughtful flow of associations, offering a never-ending reflection and occasional revelation. The genius of the mind awakens, and despite maddening to the utmost, it adapts, overcomes, and masters novel, strange, yet queasy external situations and internal struggles as a result thereof. If given enough time; all it takes is a bit of time imbued by curiosity and willingness of an open mind, to be rather than not to be...

Adore and be adored, i.e.;

The mass adores the faux beauty, that facade subtly glossed, attractive and charming to the eye, tantalizing the intoxicated mind, and impressive to the fickle heart, it seduces the unready and even the experienced to possess that momentary artifice and embraces desires, not of its own. Eventually, his youth is consumed, and his identity is owned and then left with nothing he exits as a husk. The process is a continuous loop, an irreversible conflict, and a world of hurts, but it is an anecdote, to tell for another time...

Whereas a discerning few, adore that which is inconspicuous, felt not with physical hands or a loving caress, but felt so deeply, so the impermanence and its acceptance. Its destiny is the symphony of body, mind, and heart, the sacred trinity, this harmony bequeaths genuine adoration, the feelings of rapture, that rescues the shackled spirit from its humble abode of comfort to the majestic palace of freedom, true to a facet of reality so perceived. He then humbly accepts the mantle as a solemn guardian of man's legacy, spanning generations, as those few intangible gems are adorned in the soul of his sapiens's heart, his adoring mind is finally free, truly


And when the death knells, 

the body withers to bones

 dust unto dust, finally

the time nigh; to let go, 

the mortal coil,

let the dying heart be, 

let the soul guide the spirit 

let peace be

come, to journey next

so, the void beckons

Adoration of the Beautiful...

Traverse the storm of suffering, the persistent hunger, the dampening cold, the sweaty heat, the loneliness of hard work, the stupidity of failures, the highs and low's just to get a glimpse of the beautiful, and be undone

United in its momentous moment, where the spirit rests, in the mind's eye, to reflect it with passion in art, music, literature, poems, and whatnot. 

In whatever form it might be perceived as, it is beautiful, whose beauty transcends memory ordinary into precious, and worthy of being remembered.

Memory is life, and to remember it fondly, or even poignantly is to make the dead alive and commemorate the past, revere the ancestor who adored beauty as we do, though differently, we still make do, clumsily and as humane as one can be possible.

Adore beauty, not for the sake of the object of beauty, but self, and thereby the beginning is the adoration of the self, it's the effortless ability to create and share happiness, swim in its glorious ebullience, and live, survive and live...for beauty exists just for a moment, a moment of spark, of deja-vu of life, lived in another time, of inspiration, a realization of possibility from the accumulation of knowledge and brilliance of being, just... oneself. 

Adoration of the Beautiful!

Though beauty is subjective, one cannot deny it! How can one deny that which is beautiful!

For denial of beauty, in its pristine state, is the denial of self, the identity we so jealously guard and its superficiality, we so frankly share, with others...

Some of us discover its intensity in nature, the nature of without, its pervasive chaotic essence reflected in each entity we come in contact with, their sensual ethereality, reverberates with our own inner sense of the beauty, the aesthetic taste of sublime

Sublimity is the mystery, like knowledge, the more we know, the less we are sure, of its absoluteness.

Yet despite that, we enjoy it, the way we know, naive but sincerely so the extreme form even revered, cultivating faith in the divineness of its being. 

There it is alive...

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Adoration of the Beautiful Mind


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