Letting Go...

"The price of wisdom is suffering"

"Yet, when all is lost... even a part "you", you define as yourself,

hold on, be the steady rock enduring the wrathful storm,

with a pure heart, a clear mind, and spirit free

 letting go, distraction, abstraction, retraction

holding in only that which you truly need,

then, you will rescue yourself, 

then, you will soar to true freedom,

then, the only question is when..."

...When we become more when we have less ..." 

-the earth opens up to the heavens for mortals to ascend,"  once more 

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In, the uncertainty that represents life, 

having less, the heart synchronizes with the mind, and the body strives with purposeful steps continuing that long march, under the sweltering sun during the day, and the providence of stars during the night. 

Salty blood and sweat flow free giving way to the sweetness of solitude, when finally in that quiet afternoon, tired we are bequeathed with the final rest as our disintegrating lungs sigh their last breath in between the border of light and darkness, the doorway to life next. The time to letting go comes swiftly, with a smile of satisfaction, for we are ready to be complete.

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Life is an equilibrium, the balance of "holding in and letting go"

And we are living, as the cycle continues and we are alive for the time being, dancing along the natural rhythm of the symphony of life. Few gracefully navigate, and for most of us, the only way to do so is to clumsily be on our own way, living the life of the mundane. 

The time is recorded in imprecise human years and divided further into hours, days, and months till another year is just... gone. Letting it go, with memories of past regrets and poignant happy memories, is the right thing to do.

My understanding so far of:

Holding empowers, yet at the same time limits the self. There in the comfort of one's subjective knowledge, a sense of predictability creates a powerfully evocative image of confidence shining within the darkest domain of ignorance, of one's own making. It simplifies the world into two polarities, separating me and mine with them and theirs. It is the invisible boundary even amidst the crowd one is an intimately part of, together yet so alone with an urgency to please me and mine. For the sake of the dreams not of my own, a journey of the all-pervasive rat race is a daily chore. It is in the impossibility of certainty, we gamble our existence under the whims of things that can be easily manipulated by the external.

Letting go is not just emptying oneself. It is unburdening, making space and time for things that are more important that give meaning to this short life. Yet it rests in the quietness, where solitude of the soul is all-embracing. It is the defiance against the tyranny of self, that wants to own, to hold on to things that eventually are swept away by the wind of change. It is the realization that happiness is fleeting. That love i.e. true is a beautiful wild flower, to be watered daily if possible and if not appreciated from afar but never to be picked up and murdered for the sake of fulfilling momentary albeit selfish desires. So it is a solitary journey to strange places existing within and without. One can go as far and see as wide as one can go...on

There is a plethora of memories of holding in, evident in social life we so witness or have past experience with. Built on the belief that more ownership imparts the best of material happiness, we seek to accumulate, things we want rather than what we need, all the time. The physical comfort of the crowded sanctuaries, the security of the noise of life, and the plasticity of wealth endow us with false confidence, and this pursuit of happiness becomes the very reason for our unhappiness.

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"If my memory serves me right, I was quite surprised that we met in such a place and at such a time. 

The place was in the countryside, a place for cripples like me, where nature met with civilization and the time, well we had all the time, as long it lasted.

We knew our days, were numbered. Yet like our very first meeting, we never forgot to smile at each other. I could never forget how we raced in our wheelchairs, under the sun, below the clouds, as laughter pursued the winner. And on rainy days, we searched for rainbows, when gentle rays of the sun played hide and seek. Summer, rain, and then I, found myself, alone with myself, and the memory of her, my friend, is all that remains...

Letting go was not easy, but I eventually did.

I feel poignant and a little bit sad.

Yet, I wheel myself wandering the countryside, revisiting the familiar brook and the green, colorful flowers, butterflies...

Yet, I search for rainbows like we used to, albeit with a calm purpose, and when I finally find one, I trace the beautiful lines as colors bend, ah! words are insufficient to truly define what I feel...it is just so mesmerizing...

I wish you were here...

Yet, you are not,

all I can do is, let you go,

Adieu, Chérie...


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