About Love

Strip away all the comforts of civilization and step away from all of its conformities. You will find me contemplating, both physically and mentally exhausted, confused in solitude: “What is love?”

“If there is a heart beating next to yours despite all the vagaries life weights you with, then that lightness of being, the feeling of glad vulnerability is perhaps the closest thing to true love”

“To be known for all the right reasons despite being so wrong, is it love?”

The world fades away in a blur and I am forgetful of things that are present. Yet, I remember things I should not have forgotten … you see love is the magnet to draw forgotten memories and a powerful catalyst of change in your life. It motivates us to be civilized, and find the middle ground, as it brings the thing called “should/could” into our lives, and we start to feel empathy for the less fortunate and be more forgiving. Being civilized means having the ability to survive and to be able to think for someone whom we had never met before or knew existed before a chance meeting. Our subjective perception finds and resonates with the defined contours and meanings where all the reasons to find them were lost once upon a time.

As perpetual as time and as omnipotent as divine, love discovers a spark in life, the price of which is suffering of such magnitude we cannot help but change in ways we had never imagined before to endure it and in time enjoy its consequences.

Living in a world of instant gratification, patience is difficult, and we expect love to be the immediate satisfaction of the senses. Have we lost love that is simultaneously patient, unselfish, and kind? Perhaps we have…

Perhaps it is so, yet as we search for ourselves in others, it is the act of reaching out despite knowing the imperfection of our own personality and characteristics, accepting the inevitable suffering despite the dying body’s desperation to rest once and forever or trying again and again despite the logical inference of failure from the mind.

You are beautifully broken

As I try to grasp a piece of you

Before all of you are lost

Erased even from my fragile memories


(PC: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/50/3f/c2/503fc24df3d9718747102452476b2450.jpg)

Desire shackles us with attachments but love offers us the freedom of choice to decide without regrets as it makes us naturally whole, and healthier in a sense. Love is all about being true to one’s nature, accepting the imperfection of our other half reflected in ourselves as we together relentlessly pursue happiness in the ordinary as we become responsible for each other’s success and failures for years to come. As we make memories together, we are attached to defining our experience with a biased awareness of ourselves. But the scars it causes are soothed with the understanding evoked by the healing light of impartial love, endlessly reflected in the understanding of others. And as nothing matters by the end of the day, with the lingering feelings we breathe in and out each moment lived in each breath, we are finally one.

And most remarkable of those feelings, unforgettable in every sense is…love.

Love i.e. all forgiving, all understanding and all resonating within our being, without the taint of the aesthetic heart of artist amid euphoria and laid bare as I…

Strip away all the comforts of civilization and step away from all of its conformities. You will find me contemplating, both physically and mentally exhausted, confused in solitude: “What is love?”

Honestly, what is love?!












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