
What we see...

  Sometimes, I think it's difficult for beautiful girls, people don't see past their looks... - Misfits" Beauty is considered the domain of women. In a patriarchal society such as ours, outward beauty in a woman becomes a curse rather than a blessing. The ego of men in such a society is inflated and when he is refused, there is an assault on women. There are numerous cases of acid attacks or rape cases ongoing in various corners of the country. Young women who are minors become the victims and when the perpetrator goes free unpunished, this encourages others of similar sick mentality to bring suffering to more innocent girls. It's really a shame when social justice is not upheld for the few and powerful. What good is the ideology that governing authority holds when it cannot punish the guilty and protect the victims? Authority and responsibility are two sides of a coin and if too much authority exists without responsibility, such becomes the disease that infects the en

The Five Stages of Grief

Emily Holzer · Robert Schumann - Träumerei (dreaming)   " Grief. No words can define it or phrase the meaning. Only when an immeasurable loss shatters our mind, our 'self' submerges in the very depth of personal hell, then, we are one with grief. Memories of the past increasingly assault our vulnerable minds time and again, until something vital breaks inside of us. We lay there broken, submerged in the personal reality. Time is timeless. The world is colorless.  Food loses taste, dreams turn to nightmares, emotions become chaotic and everything worth counting on is worthless.  Nothing matters anymore. Only memories of past, they come and go as guest uninvited.  As rivulets of saltiness overflow from the very windows to the soul, we become numb, desensitized, until, we reach void, the complete silence. Little by little we start to understand what is important. We realize how lonely we are even in the midst of well-wishers, how mortal our body is, how short life can be..

Dream on

reminiscence · Chopin – Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2     "Stop dreaming, and you will have nothing but hands to swipe away your tears..." Dreams are hopes and aspirations we treasure, perhaps more than ourselves. In the quietness of the night when all the living sleep, they come to life. The sub-conscious comes to play in the field of the mind. Without trying, we weave ideas within ideas, the magical universe of dreams, man has so imagined, but could not make it real, is the sanctuary without limit man imposed on the self. Like butterflies, the Deja-vu flashes by amidst the fragrant flowers of memories no more submerged in the depth of mind. Time is irrelevant. Only imagination is. It is the key to unlock the door of impossibility. Beyond their lives only treasured moments. And as we come to the surface of consciousness, we try to grasp that. But that is forgotten as we force the self to immerse itself in the mundane. Forgotten but not forever for they live on when we dream again. D

Entrepreneurship Spirit in Social Work

(PC: )     In Nepal , as we are going through the second phase of lockdown, social work is indispensable more than ever. For individuals, families, and communities across the nation, there is a need for immediate assistance which the government has sadly been unable to be responsible for. What it could only do is keep people hostage in their own homes while the ruling government can centralize more authority and power in its grasp. Even though I am not a political animal, I could perceive the frustration evident in the minds of both apolitical and political communities. Also, the game of politics and the abuse of power has been ringing like a siren in social media platforms and major news channels. But, sadly it has fallen on the deaf ears. Therefore, it is a necessity for social organizations and social workers to step up and bridge the gap of the needy and more fortunate during these sad

Gratitude, Self-love and Happiness

"Happiness is overrated. How could it be? How could it be not?" Look in each and every face visible online on social media or on glossy pages of magazines and newspapers. Beautiful faces with the perfect body of amazon or the chiseled body of Spartan, they are still in vogue. Their charming smile haloed by the “celebritism” still mesmerizes the eyes and ignites the greed to have something similar. They represent the epitome of success. The sweet smell of happiness within the success beckons not only the unsuspecting mind but also the intellectual Consumerism has driven greed. The greed to earn more money and spend more. Cosmetics, apparel, and outer image enhanced with social media like Instagram and Snapchat. They claim they can impart to your happiness forever. There is always competition to be the new hype, author of the next viral item (video or photo) and yet it never seems to end. As long as people know how to gossip as they have been doing since the stone age, the so-c

To be or not to be...

 It is natural to be attracted to the opposite sex. That is what we call "crush" And when we go further it becomes "relationship" A feeling of connection and companionship exists. The relationship is the beginning of a serious aspect of life that either pulls someone to madness or pushes them to the top.  Going further or be back to safety it is unto the seeker.  When love comes knocking, it feels like the whole world is with you or against you. Your so-called love takes all the mental space and does away all the physical needs; hunger, thirst, sleep, and the very reason why you are alive, willing to live. That is the heart talking if the heart could so speak.  But, if we take a moment. Reflect all our feelings in the cold rationale. It is untrue, the world does not care. The one whom you have feelings for may never look at you. Until you confess. Confess with all the courage you could muster.  Imagine, you are the girl. How would you feel when someone suddenly come

Online Learning in Developing Countries

 Online Learning is more popular than ever. Social distancing has bolstered its influence as fear of COVID-19 is growing continuously. Especially in developing countries like Nepal, where the health system is still poor, this has been an alternative to traditional learning. Yet, its suitability is equally questioned on its viability in terms of factors like economy, socio-psychological, poor infrastructure, and such.  Physical presence has been part of our learning process be it formal education or vocational. Besides that, as social beings, we learn through "physical" communication, competition, and co-operation. Only when we are there like actually there, then we feel we are part of the learning process. It is considered part of our social life where we enjoy the physical presence of others. Why do most of us prefer hard copies of books rather than online PDF/E-pub? Why we make time for friends to have a cup of tea? It is because we give importance to the presence that can