What we see...

Weekly Art Gif Selection: Hello October | Monalisa desenho, Mona lisa,  Quadro monalisa

 Sometimes, I think it's difficult for beautiful girls, people don't see past their looks... - Misfits"

Beauty is considered the domain of women. In a patriarchal society such as ours, outward beauty in a woman becomes a curse rather than a blessing. The ego of men in such a society is inflated and when he is refused, there is an assault on women. There are numerous cases of acid attacks or rape cases ongoing in various corners of the country. Young women who are minors become the victims and when the perpetrator goes free unpunished, this encourages others of similar sick mentality to bring suffering to more innocent girls.

It's really a shame when social justice is not upheld for the few and powerful. What good is the ideology that governing authority holds when it cannot punish the guilty and protect the victims? Authority and responsibility are two sides of a coin and if too much authority exists without responsibility, such becomes the disease that infects the entire body. This leads to the legitimacy of the male-dominant authority being questioned, sooner or later, the corruption eats up the society and slowly the society regresses to the primitive stage. In such stage, might is right, what rules exist they are for the majority toiling their days for survival, bring luxurious life to the powerful few

Better late than never! There is a need to change the perspective towards beauty. We need to cultivate the outlook to see beyond the facade of the exterior. Children need to be taught lessons wherein a man and a woman are equal. Personal space is to be respected, be it a man or a woman or any other gender there should be mutual respect of choice. We need to understand and make others understand what we see is not always right, what our choice is should not hurt someone-else choice. By hurting someone for a moment's gratification will never make you happy. Misery only begets misery. 

Animated gif about girl in art by cRazY sTUpiD mE

It is said youth is beautiful. It is not beautiful. It is vulnerable and naive. Mistakes are made, frustrations are high, left unchecked, it leads to depression and finally suicide. You see, it is easy to compare, what I have and what others have in their life, if such is the definition of a beautiful life, it is unhealthy and lacks substance. Easier said than done, with the meaningless of life creeping in, youths lose their will to live. The aged population of few stay in their majestic seat of power as youths flounder without leadership and betrayal. This is why they are misled to do crimes as they see, the powerful being corrupted and protecting the thugs looting the country in broad daylight.  

What you see, it is never true. We need to dig deeper. The beautiful white palace has its own battles and skirmishes for power. To build something fresh and worthy, the very foundation of the corrupted system must be taken from the roots. To do so, what we see needs to change. There is a need to break the wheel, the need to bring change from self, for what we learn is superficial. There is more than the eye can meet, and the only question can be away. We need to question the given, question that which is considered common sense, question anything and everything. 

When we question we see the alignment of interests. Only a few have the power to work for common interest but fewer do so. Without realization by many, the few are forced to follow the few. Thus, we need unity, see the inner beauty of each of us, and then can there be social justice. The power of people is stronger than anything in the world. Group consciousness is vital and only by letting go of prejudice can we move forward and make the world truly beautiful, a place worthy of living, home.

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