The power of money

A&O - The Color of Money - Power Within - Limited Edition 1 of 25 ...

Money can open doors. Especially the white money. Imagine! You can reach the infinite space and watch the home planet where we live in. Just with a couple of hundred grand, you can buy a ticket and according to latest report just with a whopping sum of 15 million dollars, there is a space travel package! That includes 5 days to be trained and certified for an “Extravehicular Activity,” otherwise called a spacewalk. 

Well, not only to travel to places mankind has just started to explore but the entirety of the globe, money is a must. You can have breakfast in Tokyo, lunch in Paris, and dinner in New York, truly a cosmopolitan man! The depth of the ocean or the highest mountain; nothing is impossible to reach and explore when you have bought your very own personal submarine and hired a dozen of the best Sherpa's as your personal guide. 

You can't deny it. It seduces you at every turn you take, every corner of the world that you live or want to be in at a given point in time. From the water you drink to the very air you breathe, it costs money. Likewise, the free gifts of nature are no freer. Arguably, to reach the so-called-places, where the free gift of nature is abundant, it needs money to travel. The funny thing is those who write about such things as free or that money is nothing so important, needs to pay for the paper and the pen required to jot them down or the device that is used as a viable alternative. 

Money is not only about the purchasing power to buy products and services, but much more as said beforehand is the key to open closed doors. Elections are won and lost due to the ability to spend money (maybe it is not the nominees but someone else's). From immortal irrational political arena to the ever-curious rationality of science, from the scholarship of peace to the very guns that millions are killed with, from the simple daily chores of cause and effect to the complexity of the big bang theory,... it takes time, it takes money... Not withstanding the fact that "time is money"a popular phrase used by Benjamin Franklin, for like time, money is invaluable to the right hands, for once spent both can't return. Like time, money can be utilized for the consumption of basic stuff to just surviving or going a step more, to invest in extra-ordinary projects, an excellent example the palms islands in Dubai, since 2001, a group of marvelous artificial islands created solely with advanced human engineering rivaling, well thousand years old, Great-Wall of the middle kingdom and even  Pyramids of ancient Nile. 

Such civilizations flourished due to the ingenuity in the invention and sustainable use of money. Likewise, their (civilization) fall can be attributed chiefly due to poor management of the money. Armies needed food to survive, horses for mobility, weapons to kill, and not only money is limited to wage war, but also chiefly needed for the sustainability of life especially trade and commerce as of the very silk road that sustained the ancient Euro-Asian economy,  with the due flow of goods. The great British Empire came to power and survived for so long as supreme power till WWI is due to money. Even, the world power USA is powerful due to its huge economical leverage which is so closely contested by the Chinese economic spheres of influence throughout the globe. Money power in the form of economic leverage is the most sustainable power that dominates the world. Muscle power and even brainpower cannot withstand the power of money. Consider for a minute doesn't money buys talents from the athletic field of sports to the scientific breakthrough in the Hadron Collider? Even the spiritual guru you hired for your spiritual well-being needs to be paid hourly, no?!

Though in itself it doesn't seem to have any power whatsoever, it does represent the greatest power humankind have ever had and will, as strong as the power of faith from the most devout, say if money is god, banks are temples, stocks are the angels or in a negative light, money is the devil, banks the sacrificial pits, stocks the Succubi. The perspective is relevant to those who make fortune and those who lose respectively. Not only our very survival instinct is aligned with money but it has accelerated human development to what it is today. Alone we could not have survived during the dark age of ignorance and powerless drudgery and passed the age of Renaissance, Enlightenment, and  Exploration to the industrial age to the age of information, robotics, and much more.

Money means a value that is exchangeable not only the paper money but something more, more in a sense that it contains utility, portability, durability, homogeneity, divisibility, malleability, Conductibility, and stability of value which have evolved and still is evolving with the human evolution.  Barter system now almost extinct practice, was key to bring together different people, their interest and talents that lead to a more evolved money which became the basis for advanced human civilization as of now that succeed to not only survive but flourish and be dominant ruler in the home planet. It is true, money became the reasons for atrocities and still is, however, its use depends on the person who has it, you can't blame the tool but the one who uses it

Needless to say, the power of money is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, and other godly and ungodly power-embedded. The mass is controlled through money, from the household goods that are price-tagged to its production-consumption-disposal to the information you are exposed with, and what-not's by the governments, global-companies, and puppet-masters (as conspiracy theorists claim). So...You can't just say no to money, Can you? Can you! If you can't then you are true, not free. Think about it.


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