The Warriors Mindset in Everyday Life


It is a Battlefield. 

It starts with waking up early.

Then, grudgingly take one step then another to the bathroom.

*Splash* *Splash* smash your face with cold water. find yourself wide awake. let the water run inside your mouth, clear the stuffy nose, check your breath, return and make your bed.

A sneak peeks at your cell phone. Check the time, check FB, then Insta, then check yourself out in the front camera. Put it back on the bedside. Take a couple of steps towards the mat. Then stretch your unwilling body, let the flow of body take its natural course, the rejuvenation starts. 

After warm-up some yoga, it is tough, to maintain the positions, to take the next step, with legs, those small hands, still, you gotta do what you gotta do

Never Give Up!

Likewise, we struggle with each moment of our lives, from the tiny-whiny things to the bigger stuff. We are doing it not with a resignation of the inevitable but with hope deep down inside of us, that something will get better, even if it might be something small, that small thing which will eventually improve our moods, and lo behold, we complete the difficult task, even if it is imperfect, even if someone could do it better. We have no regrets, no going back, we are warriors.

What makes us WARRIORS?!

There are three treasures: Sword Shield and Heart

Well in modern warfare, these three does not sound practical, but what they represent surely does


It represents the mind. The mind which takes in data dissects those large chunks into ideas, critically goes further, and brings forth insights that are truly useful to the present self and for the uncertain future.

It was a lump of gray matter and still is but after folded a thousand times, and another thousand, it reaches the sharpness rivaling the sharpness of Katana. 

It is Jian, flexible and quick as deceptive as the living being who holds it. It judges what is profit and what is a loss, always seeking advantage and hitting the soft spot without letting itself from being harmed

It is the Great Sword, heavy and slow, but each slash has depth like the mind that forgets itself when married to duty, honor, and purpose

It is Khukuri, the adaptable mind, finding a home even in the strange lands, living up to its name, celebrating the heritage of loyalty, bravery, and comradeship

Yet there are minds as dull as sword left untended. Those are the common swords counted in billions, ordinary yet without them, the world cannot move. 

Perhaps it is wrong to call them dull. Their sharpness might not rival Katana, the flexibility of Jian, the depth of Great Sword, or the adaptability of Khukuri, but they are peerless in achieving happiness in frugality and joy in extravagance. 

It is a blessing to be ordinary. It lets us experience the hurt and happiness, genuine from the surface to the very core. As mentioned somewhere, the camera capturing the moment might be fake but a smile so shared shoulder to shoulder with friends is not.

Being special is challenging. Being ordinary is more. Each failure to be one or the another marks us with invisible scars, yet when we live through it with a mind transcending from naivety to maturity we realize each and every challenge was instead an opportunity, a stepping stone to reach the summit, the realization of self-fulfillment, Self Actualization of the Monkey Mind


It represents the body. The body which endures, akin to the fortress that stands in between the chaotic endless nihility outside and the living universe inside. 

The body holds the mind, the consciousness. It is that which makes us who we are, the individuality we identify ourselves with, and the entity others acknowledge as a singularity 

It is that which reached the highest peak, Everest, acclimatizing every succeeding height, vanquishing vertigo, letting fear, fear itself.

It is what braved an entire ocean, to discover new lands, and even setting foot on the moon leaving behind the words written with the indelible ink in human history:

"That's one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind" - Neil Armstrong

If the mind was that which plans then the body is what implements, it manifests the tangible reality 

Finite is its essence and yet it has evolved to reach the present form, standing on the two feet with hands-free to manipulate tools

From the tiny screw to the space ship that leaves this home planet, the body has achieved discoveries and inventions not seen a century ago

It is a miracle, for if one of the two hands stop working, then one will do the work for two, if you have no hands then your feet will do what the hands are supposed to do.

Endowed with five senses, the body navigates into the world, interacts with the external, approves the pleasant sensations and admires that which is beautiful and abhors dismal, and hates the ugliness 

Simply, it is flesh, that is born one day to die for another, grows hungry, feels pain, and desires the pleasures to feel the satisfaction. Always.

Wakeup, eat, sleep, excrete, work, travel, and simply live, that is what the body does and represents. 

But it can be more than simply an existence. 

The body is the vessel to exceed our limitations from physical, mental, social, and all that which mind perceives as such

To do so we should alter our mindset

Unbelieving the conventional belief that the mind leads and then the body follows.

There is a possibility: The body could precipitate positive change to the mind.

"Action speaks louder than words"

Rather than mulling over a particular issue that consumes time and brainpower

We could act, let the body start self-disciplining and self-conditioning

Let it stay still and complete that book which had been left untouched after a couple of chapter weeks ago.

Let it resist the temptation of spicy junk food and find joy in the simple yet healthy fruits and green vegetables

Let it struggle on the various stages of physical exercises, let not the mind think, believe your body can and it will not fail

Though the body is made for movement, it has the capacity to remain stationary to achieve the goals one have set for oneself

Let the body lead and the mind follows


Body and Mind, they are inter-dependent so are their manifestation; the sword and shield without which a warrior cannot be complete 

If the sword is meant to attack then the shield exists to defend.

And heart, it means to balance those two.

As aforementioned, life is a battlefield where every day we are engaged in skirmishes.

Sometimes we get ambushed and sometimes we need to be in a confronting  position without desiring to do so in the office, in family, and in places where we congregate as social beings

Sometimes, we find ourselves at the crossroads where we need to make decisions that will change our entire life

To make such decisions we need to think, let the body relax

Being work alcoholic or lazy bum, both are not the way to be in balance

Life is all about balance

It is difficult

It is tough


We should try, be prepared, for the unexpected.

A good warrior may be the paragon of strategy or physical excellence, but the best warrior understands the heart of things, perceiving the reality of things in the simple truths. 

That warrior knows when to go forward and when to retreat.

S/he knows the pulse of the world and thereby matches his heartbeat with it and finds success that is true to his/her purpose

Let the heart bring body and mind together. 

Let it give you the courage to swing the sword with confidence and hold your ground when assaulted incessantly by the outside variables

Never Lose Hope

Let your ignorance be your strength and let it be the reason to move on.

That is the philosophy of Sword, Shield, and Heart

The Warrior Mindset in Everyday Life"

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