Living a Life

Boredom. Pain. Hunger. Loneliness. Insomnia. 

These are the things we experience on our own, it is personal. With those five, we will truly know the truth of things as they are.

The truth is, we are almost always alone when we experience them and so are the loved ones of ours, with whom we cannot be always there holding their hands, offering a pair of welcoming ears, or a dependable shoulder. When they are suffering, all alone, low and hurting inside, so much, they can only endure in silence.

Though we don't want or allow our loved ones to go through those same experiences, the cycle repeats itself. The baptism of boredom, pain, hunger, loneliness, and insomnia, it is how each of us grows, it is how we mature, mentally, socially, and spiritually. 

All of us are imperfect and being imperfect, we do make mistakes. It is easier to forgive ourselves, but difficult to forgive others. Yet post-baptism of the aforementioned experience teaches us to empathize, to understand the meaning of forgiveness. Most importantly we accept imperfection we have inherited and will pass on

And that's why we need to cultivate a resilient mindset, that exercises patience, endurance, persistence, and an indomitable will to never back down; first to survive, and then to live

To cultivate a resilient mindset, unlike The Monkey Mind whose attention span is short, what we can do is find the balance in our life, professional work/education vs personal life, social life vs private time, mental growth vs physical development, and much more

All of these make us complete, with the life we lead being fulfilled when we aspire to find the balance. Only work or only entertainment is not life, not being just a social butterfly without personal self-reflection or muscle with brain or brain without muscle, is not normal. Exceptions do exist, but as a normal person, balance is relevant 

The identity besides the name that we call ourselves includes our body, mind, and life we live. Without the body, the mind, or without mind the body is incomplete, and most importantly life that we carry within ourselves, the ability to grow, to communicate, to think, to move, and to do all that which we as living can do, makes us unique.

Within each of us, there is a power to adapt, to acquire skills and abilities, and some of us may be blessed with the more intellectual mind or angelic face, it does matter in daily life, but what matters more for a life-time, is the resilient mind

For each of us carry within our hearts, solitary loneliness dissimilar to others, we may feel alone sometimes even though we are with the company we so dearly love, or we may want to find a counterpart who exists along with us in the relaxed silence, accompanying us in the comfortable intimacy of quietness, as we discover each other in ourselves...

Perhaps, what we may be needing is a fresh perspective which we will gain by braving a new experience. We can take a few minutes or hours to go to a new place, perhaps somewhere near nature, we have never been before, observe and let our eyes capture the physical manifestation, listen to the silence, smell the rejuvenating cool air, walk on the grass barefoot, relax under the warm sun or pass through the drizzle of falling rain

Perhaps, what we may be needing is a conversation with strangers, start a conversation, learn about their life, comparing with yours, find commonality and differences, learn new things, exchange pleasantries and make friends, perhaps

Perhaps, we can start a routine of exercise, adding one step every week, until we reach the intermediate and then advanced level. We could rejuvenate the body in the early morning with stretching and yoga. Meditate to let the mind wander the cosmos and return it back to the earth. Perhaps, we could strengthen the mind and body connection, with mindfulness and a well-trained body, after all, the body is a wonderful living machine

There are many ways we can practice the resilience of mind, to find purpose in life, other than just being, just surviving. Living life is both simple and hard:

 Simple when there is balance and hard when we let attachment to desires dictate our life rather than controlling what we want and do what we need to.

Perhaps, living in the moment is what we can do without forgetting the purpose we have envisioned, we can move forward with assurance, face any setbacks and turn mistakes into stepping stone for the final success, a life of fulfillment, discovering and embracing joy even in pain, with a smile in the face, after all, it is free. :)  



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