Happiness is a beautiful word with a beautiful meaning; to finally be one with true joy as well be glad to just be alive. It is simple but not so simple. The reason is happiness is always scarce and is momentary than lengthy boredom or melancholy. Still, when it comes as a surprise it makes the hardship worth a thousand times more. We are always over-complicating things as they are. Thus tending to make the situation worse and perceiving worse and feel the despair of losing control. A failure in a relationship, in business, or even just a daily chore is very taxing to both mind and body but if you are passionate about being happy you could see the brighter side of those failures and choose it to be a motivating factor to do it again with a different approach and find happiness with eventual success. High expectation is a kill-joy and so is the narrow perception of just effort and result...is it not more realistic to just live the moment and enjoy the time spent during the activity....