
The power of money

( ) Money can open doors. Especially the white money. Imagine! You can reach the infinite space and watch the home planet where we live in. Just with a couple of hundred grand, you can buy a ticket and according to latest report just with a whopping sum of 15 million dollars, there is a space travel package! That includes 5 days to be trained and certified for an “Extravehicular Activity,” otherwise called a spacewalk.  Well, not only to travel to places mankind has just started to explore but the entirety of the globe, money is a must. You can have breakfast in Tokyo, lunch in Paris, and dinner in New York, truly a cosmopolitan man! The depth of the ocean or the highest mountain; nothing is impossible to reach and explore when you have bought your very own personal submarine and hired a dozen of the best Sherpa's as your personal guide.  You can&

Theory of No Return

( ) The perceived belief of time and resources; precisely energy as infinite is untrue. Such belief and the action resulting from it by the economic man on the basis of resources divided in terms of the long and short term may seem well to put bluntly arrogant, what could be more precise is that such is not limited to the time they are used but the intrinsic value they contain at present and the future. As resources once exploited can never return back to that which was original (seemingly indefinite for the economic man). Even the continuous life cycles of living beings change over time; with either evolution or mutation. The monkey of hundreds of millions of years ago and the ones now living are psychologically as well as physically very different and so is the environment they live in. The past being has to let go of their vestigial organs for the sake of survival which is also the case for the energy that fuels life as we know it.  

Who are we?

In my experience, we are not what others think of us as, and most importantly in many instants, they are dead wrong to assume who we are. We are not what we look at or the moods we are in when we interact with second-third or fourth parties. We are neither the reserved or impolite fools lurking in the dark. We are just not too enthusiastic about the ordinary tidings of the people who are busy in their all too colorful busy life. And with more soul-searching are we truly who we think ourselves to be? The memories of the past; the pleasurable and the painful, all shape us to be the person who we are now, through the actions we so naturally accomplish without fore-thought. Perhaps, the identity we are given from birth and that which we have accepted as given truth if we take a moment to reflect does it truly does justice to what we feel ourselves as to be?  How wrong can we be to assume and not be always sure of who we are? For some, we are brother, father, sister, lover, teacher, s


The most wonderful miracle ever known to mankind, Life. With its up's and down's, the chaotic echelon to the calm depth of the heartland, an exciting short adventure to the boring long continues on, uncaring...selfish...cruel, and at times surprisingly kind. Little is it without complexity, for complexity is what life is, and like anything and everything that is ever known, life, as we know, are, is always difficult at every new phase/stage from the point of birth, pre-teen, teen, adult and old stage and eventually the final excruciating farewell...ah how we try to hold on... til the last breath, despite the pride in our inherent rationality which we were so proud of,,, once.  The best thing of life is its it the colorful sights that tantalizes the eyes, or the harmonious music of different instrument played in a symphony or that rare taste of the exotic cuisine you never had before or the familiar sweet aroma of the morning tea/coffee...that is lif


Happiness is a beautiful word with a beautiful meaning; to finally be one with true joy as well be glad to just be alive. It is simple but not so simple. The reason is happiness is always scarce and is momentary than lengthy boredom or melancholy. Still, when it comes as a surprise it makes the hardship worth a thousand times more. We are always over-complicating things as they are. Thus tending to make the situation worse and perceiving worse and feel the despair of losing control. A failure in a relationship, in business, or even just a daily chore is very taxing to both mind and body but if you are passionate about being happy you could see the brighter side of those failures and choose it to be a motivating factor to do it again with a different approach and find happiness with eventual success. High expectation is a kill-joy and so is the narrow perception of just effort and it not more realistic to just live the moment and enjoy the time spent during the activity.

What is...

(PC: ) What is love? Is it the longing or is it the completeness that you feel? Is it just an illusion that perhaps wraps us in its control and makes us act in ways that we would not normally do? Likewise, is not man a chaotic being? By nature, is he not the one who is longing for the completeness that he could never have…Is he not searching still even after all he has wanted is fulfilled be it wealth or love or fame? The question is always there though how many times and how long the answer is sought and found. It is always raising in the back of the mind that is never satisfied with anything, anyone or any answers that are available. And it is a bit sad that true peace is only found by the man when he leaves this earth and becomes one with the nature which is his origin and his demise. And it is quite beautiful as well that chaos he lives in where he longs for love and its discovery…its raw and fine facet

The six steps to be awesome

(PC: ) Everyone is awesome. In one way or the another, they are, but... most just don't know it. And today, I would like you to know this; you are awesome. At least read these six-step-by-step ways I have come up with to discover the awesomeness you have within yourselves: 1. Identify First and foremost, you need to know what you are awesome about. Is it the smile of yours that seems to light up your entire being? Is it your voice of yours that seems to vibrate the very air with melodious sweetness? Or is your way of making things out of nothing; those anecdotes or is it your knowledge that rivals the encyclopedia itself? Check them out! There is so much potential in your abilities, it is only that you have not discovered it... you just need to ask your friends and give yourself a moment for some productive retrospection. 2. Feel  The second step is to feel the awesomeness that you are. Feel it naturally! Feel it wi